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 "I've always felt that animals are the purest spirits in the world. They don't fake or hide their feelings, and they are the most loyal creatures on Earth. Somehow we humans think we're smarter..... what a joke ."  -  Pink

 Meet Terri 

     "Walker-n -Chief"

  I was born and raised on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. I grew up in the country with horses, cats, dogs, goats, and even a donkey . Caring for animals at a young age taught me a great deal. You have to be kind, patient, gentle and organized. A few years ago my cat Sam was diagnosed with feline diabetes. For  years I administered insulin shots twice a day. Although diabetes was tough on Sam , I gained even more experience caring for pets.


  For the past 19 years I have worked at a local jewelry store where I have perfected my design and repair skills. About two years ago close friends and neighbors asked me to "pet sit" their four legged family members. I LOVED it!  Getting to know and care for these sweet creatures renewed my passion for taking care of animals. In recent years I  have taken care of dogs, cats, turtles, chameleons, horses, goats, chickens,   the list goes on...


 Preppy Paws was born from this passion and of course , my muse : Ollie , my 6 year old Boxer pup. Ollie is quite the "star" around Easton. He loves to hang out of my sun roof and visit the car wash. I look forward to meeting new animal friends and their families. My mission is to provide the best "In Home Pet Care" possible .


        Terri Doll

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